Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.:

Team Name

Rate the website (in it's current state) 1-10. 1 being worst, 10 being best

(Do not worry, this is not planned) If you were asked to pay for Forest Fantasy, what is the maximum ammount fund you would submit?

Any other suggestions? As to what should feature on the new site?

What do you think of the news updates?

What do you think of the current league table format?

Would you be willing to become a member of the webmaster's team - This would involve helping out with the point calculation side of Forest Fantasy?

We are always looking to expand. What would you suggest as a tactic to attract more users? i.e more than 1 league

What is your least favourite section of the site (the area that needs most improving)?

What is your favourite aspect of Forest Fantasy?

How often do you visit Forest Fantasy?

How did you find Forest Fantasy?